Most people are in this dilemma of seeking the best way to cease tobacco smoking. It may sound simple as a statement but in reality, the smokers find it hard especially when they become aware and threatened by the consequences of tobacco products. The demand to quit smoking doubles when one realizes the consequences of the action.
How Can I Cease Smoking In A Natural Way?
There are many non-pharmacological ways to quit smoking which could be easy when practiced in the right way. One thing you need to know is that when it comes to taking such a call, you need to be committed both in your mind and the heart. Quitting smoking is an approach that should be coordinated by all aspects of your body physically, emotionally, socially, biologically and many more.
a) Taking Water In Abundance
Consuming lots of water helps your body quit smoking naturally. This is because water is a natural toxin remover from the bodies. When we take cigarettes, the nicotine and other cigarette contents are regarded to by the body as toxins, flashing them out makes it have fewer effects on your body i.e. cravings. Water flashes them out hence reducing your daily cigarette cravings.
b) Self Distracting Yourself
This is another natural way which works super best especially when you follow it very strictly. When you have the urge to take a puff, just distract yourself in a way that makes you enjoy. This could be engaging in your talent or doing your favorite hobby. Or just giving yourself some kind of work to keep yourself busy.
When you direct the focus of your mind on other better issues such as work rather than smoking, it shifts its focus from the nicotine craving and thus allows you to skip a day without smoking.
Try it :
c) Just Sit And Contemplate
Just like alcohol, cigarette smoking is a controlled by your mentality. Spend your time in a quiet place and contemplate what really makes you smoke. Also, calculate how much you spend on cigarettes per month, that might trigger enough reason to make you quit the smoking. Also, your smoking tendency could have been triggered by lose of a loved one or other kind of emotional stress. Realizing the reason as to why you smoke whether for enjoyment, stress reliever, boredom e.t.c. helps you a lot in coping with cessation of smoking.
d) Get Out Of The House And Walk
When a person is in a public place, chances are high that most smokers won’t smoke. They want to smoke in the dark places where no one can see them. Spend your time outside the house. Just take a walk around and meet new people or travel places. It also keeps boredom away which contributes to smoking. It is a natural way of distracting the mind.
e) Chew Gum
This works so perfectly! When your mouth wants something to puff, just get to the store and buy yourself a chewing gum. The effect of chewing suppresses the mindful craving of tobacco thus making you spend a day without the puff. When practiced frequently, this helps a lot in shifting your desires.
f) Some essential oils control addiction
There are some beneficial essential oils which work best against addiction. These include grapefruit, Lavender oil, black pepper, citrus oil among others. When these oils are taken whether orally or by inhalation, they create a calming effect curbing cigarette withdrawal symptoms and also suppress the tobacco appetite to nil thus helping you evade the addiction gradually but in a natural way.
g) Avoid Any Triggers
If your peer group of friends is the main triggers for you to smoke, just try a lot to evade their presence since this is a matter of health safety. Avoid places such as clubs or anywhere that could trigger your brain to want a puff. Also, reduce or cut down on alcohol intake. It is a natural trigger of tobacco smoking.
h) Spend Time With Non-Smoking Friends And Family
This is another form of smoking cessation that works. Spending ample time with people who do not smoke improves your smoking cessation spirits. It is another way of avoiding triggers which could make you smoke again.
What Happens To Your System When You Stop Smoking?
There is a lot that happens to your body system when you decide to stop smoking. The abnormal elevations or deceleration tend to go back to normal. The effects of smoking cessation on your body are divided into immediate, short-term effects and long-term effects. The immediate effects happen in the first 24 hours after you decide to stop smoking while the short term takes place from the first 24 hrs to about 6 months. The rest of the long-term effects take place from the first year of smoking cessation.
They include
Immediate and short-term effects
- When one smokes cigarettes, it tends to constrict the blood vessels, thus delivering the small amount of blood to the target sites. The heart in compensation tends to pump more blood to the target site and it does this by increasing the number of hearing beats. So, your heart rate is usually higher than normal when you smoke.
- After cessation, within the first one hour, your heartbeat tends to go back to normal.
- Within the next 4 hours, your blood pressure will have started normalizing since the blood vessels are slowly turning back to their normal shapes. This is the area or the time that you get withdrawal symptoms which include irritability, anxiety, sleeplessness and increased appetite. You can counter this by taking grapefruit oil.
- In 5 – 6 weeks, there is weeks, there will be an increase in the lung capacity as they tend to go back to normal. Your lung will take in more air than it used to. This allows you to engage in more hours of intense training than before.
Long-Term Effects
- It reduces risks of heart and vascular diseases i.e. coronary heart diseases and hypertension
- Within a year, the lungs start to recover and recuperate from the inflicting effects of cigarettes. They naturally repair themselves. There will be increased lung function and reduced risk of infection. This tends to improve lung function and the blood oxygen exchange
- The future risk of getting incurable cancers like oral cancer, lung cancers, esophageal and throat cancers are greatly reduced. Doctors say that the leading cause of lung cancer (90%) is smoking hence this move can help eliminate the dreaded disease.
- In 8 to 20 years later, the blood vessels start to recover from their sorry state of destruction until they appear very normal. This takes time since its inception also takes time.
Can I Get My Lungs Back To Normal After Smoking
This depends on some factors. These factors include: for how long have you been smoking and the extent of damage the cigarettes have posted on your lungs. Some damages are irreversible since they are permanent. This is like the case of Emphysema. Your lung will not go back to normal like a person who has never smoked but cessation to smoking prevents so many diseases.
How Can I Quit Smoking Without Gaining Any Weight?
There are reasons as to why most people who quit smoking end up gaining more weight. When we do not smoke, we tend to eat more since food tastes more delicious. Secondly, when we do not smoke, our metabolic rate is reduced since smoking increases our metabolic rate. These two phenomenon makes us eat more.
However, you can control your weight pretty easily by the following methods
Choose your diet wisely. You do not go ahead and eat everything just because you feel hungry. Take more low carb diets and avoid food rich in calories
- Exercise a lot. Exercising allows you to cut down on your weight since it helps burn excess fat on your body. It also allows for a lean body formation.
- When you feel the need to eat, you can take plenty of fruit juices or chew gum. It tends to keep you much fuller. Popcorn too.
This article explains the effects of smoking cessation in a detailed overview from a professional point of view. It elaborates about the effects, long and short term and also explains how you can stop smoking naturally. If you are one of the smokers who would like to stop smoking, follow strictly your best method which you seem comfortable with you. Adhere to eat and you will definitely see the results.
Our Best Recommendation to Quit Smoking Device is: EaseQuit
EaseQuit is a kind of magnetic patch that you insert both the magnets (one at the outside and other on the inside) on your upper part of the ear. It is suggested that when worn for about three to four hours in a single 24-hr period that they help in reducing the tobacco cravings. It can actually help you stop smoking cigarettes in a one week period. Read More About Easequit