Losing those extra pounds after pregnancy


Getting pregnant is a boon that we women have. There are a lot of precautions that we have to take during pregnancy. Taking care of what you eat and how much you eat is a big concern. You know you will become fat; still you do not have an option as there is another life inside you. It is a beautiful feeling no doubt. The main trauma starts post pregnancy. Most women find it extremely difficult to discard off those extra pounds that they have collected during pregnancy. While most of them give up and consider it to be a herculean task, there are a few who follow a proper regimen and get back to shape. It is not a big deal to get back in shape as long as you follow some of the golden rules.

A few tips that would help you shed some pounds are:

Make a weekly plan

Firstly, you need to make a weekly plan for yourself. This plan would involve your entire intake. Your breakfast, lunch and dinner should be planned. You need to make sure that you are eating healthy. You need to chalk out a plan as to what are the exercises you need to do and how much time should you devote to it every day. However, one should be careful as to not exert herself as you have just returned from pregnancy and should take all the precautions needed. The diet that you had during pregnancy and the diet that you will consume after your child’s birth is totally different. Once you are done with your pregnancy you should move to a healthy diet and say a strict no anything that is oily or greasy. Your sugar intake should also be kept at minimal.

Start exercising

Gone are the days when doctors used to ask mothers to refrain themselves from exercising. In today’s age, women have outpaced everything. So, yes wear your running shoes and step out to shed those flabs. A short stroll for like 15 to 20 minutes is good for new mothers. If you restrict yourself to bed, there are no way you will get your shape back?Another reason why doctors these days recommend exercise to mothers is because it is tried and tested to be the best stress buster. It makes you feel at ease and relaxed.

You really need to keep a check on yourself as to how hard are you working? You should not take it lightly and neither should your over exert yourself.

Keep a check on your exercising habits

Whenever you are taking your baby out for a stroll, you should not be panting and puffing, rather you should be able to talk to your baby properly. Here are a few pointers which will help you gauge this better and help you check. If any of this is happening with you, it means you should check your exercising and eating routine and rework on it.

  1. You do not need any effort and can talk to your baby easily
  2. You need a little effort, but very little which does not bother you much
  3. You find it very easy to talk to your baby and is super comfortable doing this
  4. You need a moderate effort actually which makes you aware that you are actually gasping for breath
  5. You need a very strong effort to talk to your child and is very uncomfortable in carrying out a conversation
  6. You are actually unable to talk and is panting and puffing and taking long breaths


Another important exercise that is recommended by doctors is a 26 minute workout. It has been advised by doctors to breastfeed your baby before you start with your workout as you would not have to stop in between. The entire exercise is about walking. Walk at a slow pace for the first five minutes and then increase the pace for the next eighteen minutes. Your shoulders should be straight and head held high.

Your intake

It is not only exercise that would give you your dream figure. You actually need to eat smart. Here are some of the snacks that are suggested by weight loss experts:

  1. Almonds and raisins mixed with Wheaties
  2. Baby carrots and hummus
  3. Whole grain biscuits along with peanut butter
  4. Low fat or soy latte skim
  5. Apple, oranges and pear
  6. Boiled egg, whole wheat toast along with some grapes
  7. Turkey
  8. Skimmed yoghurt

Have a free mind

Apart from taking care of your eating habits and working out, it is very important to have a free mind. Your mind should be free of all worries and you should be happy mentally. When your mind is in stress, your body releases hormones which are dangerous for you. These hormones in turn cause fatigue, drowsiness and make you feel irritated. These activities in turn lead to gain of weight. Apart from this, these hormones generate a lot of cravings in you. You get fetish for sweets, oily, fatty and greasy food. If you exercise properly, not only will you get rid of your extra fats but also have the stamina to play and spend quality time with your baby.

Sleep with your baby

Whenever your baby is sleeping; you should try and sleep as well. This helps reduce stress in a great way and helps you fell relaxed and rejuvenated. If you tend to miss sleep and do not sleep enough that is needed for the day, your metabolism rate decreases, hence making you lethargic.

Relax your body

Going out for a spa is excessively beneficial. Even if you do not have the time to visit a spa, you should ensure that you get a massage done by someone. By doing this, the hormones that produces stress reduces drastically and the feel good hormones start building up.

Spend time outdoors

You should try and spend some time outdoors. When you plan to take your baby for a walk, take your child out. Spend some time in the green and you would see the results yourself. It will leave you feeling calm and have a soothing effect on you. Your stress would be gone completely.

Be stress free

Apart from this, you should also devote a few minutes to yourself during the entire day. It can be used for anything. It can be anything that you like doing, like watching your favorite serial on television or reading your favorite book or magazine. You can also help reduce stress in a great way by taking a hot bath or a shower. Spend some quality time on yourself and reflect on the thought of how you want yourself to be.

Getting back into shape would not be a distant dream if the above mentioned factors are adhered to. It is just a little effort, but in the long run if you see, the efforts will be worth it. Cheers to a happy motherhood. Mothers who will make all women who are single feel envious when out on the streets.