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Top 10 reasons why you should have sex everyday (Updated Oct’2020)

Top 10 R

Intimacy and attraction are considered as being two of the important factors that make for a peaceful, loving and harmonious relationship with your spouse. Sex is an important part of a relationship. Apart from these there are several additional benefits that are associated with regular sex.

Let us take a look at the top 10 reasons why you should have sex everyday:

Stress busting

Sex is a great stress buster. It can even replace the need for deep-breathing exercises if done with regularity. While having sexual intercourse, the human body releases extensive quantity of the ‘feel good’ hormone, dopamine in the brain. It also produces endorphins and oxytocin –desirous hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Various studies have proven the importance of sex as a reliable stress reliever.


Physical exercise

Sexual intercourse uses considerable energy by both partners involved. The physiological function in the body is similar to that of working out at the gym. While having sex, the person’s heart rate increases, along with the breathing rate as well. This is a sure way to know that you are burning calories and enjoying the intimacy at the same time. According to researchers, a 15-minute long intercourse session thrice a week is likely to help you burn over 7,500 calories in a year. This is similar to jogging for over 100 km. Rise in breathing rate ensures that your body cells get more oxygen while the testosterone produced during sex helps to strengthen the bones and muscles as well.

Decreased blood pressure

Various research studies have shown that sexual intercourse can have remarkable effects on lowering blood pressure. Not even this, a simple hug also causes a significant drop in the blood pressure due to the various physiological processes involved in it.

Enhance immunity

Sex is a great way to fight against common cold and other such minor medical disorders. This is because sex has been found to improve and strengthen the immune system effectively. Scientists have discovered that the agent useful in fighting flu – Immunoglobulin A – is increased when having sexual intercourse.

 Restores youthfulness

According to a Scottish medical study, researchers found that regular sex at least thrice a week helps to restore youthful appearance by removing numerous signs of ageing.

Young at heart

Sex is shown to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disorders extensively. Sexual intercourse not only works to improve the strength and functioning of the heart it will also result in preventing the risk of stroke and other such cardiovascular disorders. Numerous studies have proven that over 45% of men, who have sex fairly regularly have experienced less cardiovascular disorder risks.

Alleviate pain

There have been several studies that have pointed out the benefits that sexual intercourse can have on relieving several kinds of pains and aches. The studies show that most people engaged in regular sexual intercourse experience migraines and other body aches less frequently as compared to people who have infrequent and less sex.

Increase intimacy and trust

Oxytocin, the hormone responsible for inducing intimacy and love in a person towards another, is released in considerable quantities while having sexual intercourse. Studies have shown that an increase in oxytocin also help to build a stronger and more lasting relationship between a couple.


Prostate cancer risk is greatly reduced when a person experiences regular orgasms (ejaculation). Detailed research has shown that men with more than 21 ejaculations in a month showed less risk of prostate cancer in advancing years.

Peaceful sleeping habit

Keeping in mind the intense workout that a good session of sex can require, the body gets sufficiently tired and results in better post-coital heart rate. The act of ejaculation and orgasm in itself leaves the person feeling tired and contented, which helps to induce sleep faster and get better sleep as well, thus ensuring a relief for insomniacs.

Keep these important points in mind the next time you decide to schedule your intimate session with your partner. Besides making the couple happier, more relaxed and trusting regular sex is important for good physical health as well.