Know about obesity and its prevention (Updated Oct’2020)


Obesity is a disorder which is becoming increasingly common all over the world. It is a dangerous condition if left untreated. Although there is no cure for obesity as such there are ways to prevent it. In case you are already suffering from obesity then there are ways to get rid of the excess weight also.

What is Obesity?

Obesity is the condition of excessive body weight. Obesity is determined when the BMI (Body Mass Index) of a person is higher than average. The BMI is calculated from the ratio of your height to your weight. The BMI indicates the weight range in which a person of a specific height is considered having a normal weight.

 Calculating Body Mass Index (BMI)

Calculating BMI gets super easy with these 3 steps. Simply:

  1. Multiply your weight (in lbs) by 703
  2. Divide your answer with your height (in inches)
  3. Once again divide the answer with your height (in inches)

Use the below information to see whether your weight is in a healthy BMI range:

  • Below 18.5 = Underweight
  • Between 18.5 to 24.9 = Healthy
  • Between 25.0 to 29.9 = Overweight
  • Between 30.0 and 39.9 = Obese
  • Over 40.0 = Morbidly obese 

Effects of Obesity

Obesity tends to have numerous adverse effects on your health. It can lead to development of various disorders, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart attack
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac disorders
  • Certain cancers

There are other health conditions that are also aggravated with the onset of obesity in the patient. When the excess fat gets accumulated around the waist it is considered to be more dangerous. This can not only lead to medical conditions but also take a toll on the joints and bones of the legs. 

What causes Obesity?

There are certain commonly known reasons that cause obesity, such as:

  • Genes – A rare mutation in the genes may result in development of obesity in the person.
  • Physiology – The rate of metabolism is different for every individual. It differs significantly even between people of the same sex, age and body type.
  • Eating habits and disorders – Eating food laced with high amounts of fat and calories leads to faster weight gain. Eating disorder, such as binge-eating can also lead to gaining weight without control.
  • Lifestyle – A sedentary lifestyle increase the risk of obesity in a person. Being overweight in the childhood or adolescence also leads to higher possibility of gaining excessive weight in the adult years also.
  • Medicinal drugs – Certain drugs, such as steroid hormones and others are also known to increase weight in the user.


How can I prevent Obesity?

There are two very simple steps to prevent obesity. You will only need to:

  • Eat a healthy, nutritious and well-balanced diet
  • Workout or exercise regularly

Preventing obesity is very important. The fat cells, once formed in the body, are not possible to get rid of. You may reduce the size of these fat cells but you cannot remove them completely from the body.


Obesity Prevention

How does it work?

Preventing obesity needs you to:

  • Have less calories in your meals
  • Increase your daily exercise or physical activity

When you modify your diet you can effectively achieve a weight loss of around 1 to 2 pounds in a week. You need to reduce your daily calories intake by about 500 to 1,000 calories. Eating food with less carbohydrate and fat content is also highly advisable for safer and faster weight loss.

Exercising regularly helps to burn off the excessive calories you have in your meals. Daily physical activity is also helpful for regulating the rate of metabolism to healthy levels.

By making a few simple changes to your daily routine, you can effectively prevent obesity. Avoid getting overweight and prevent other health risks from affecting your quality of life. Start living a healthier and happier life by getting rid of the excessive weight now.